Take the Pledge
Pledge to Do Your Part!
It's a very simple step towards making a personal impact on climate change. Tell us what you've already done to make an impact and what you pledge to do! And as a bonus, you'll receive updates, emails, event information, ways you can help mitigate climate change, ideas to get kids involved, and more.
Why We Should Care
SA Climate Ready Climate Action and Adaptation Plan
This is San Antonio’s climate action and adaptation strategy to meet the present and future challenges of climate change. The plan provides over 90 action steps that will help San Antonio achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and prepare us for a changing climate. They include solutions for enhancing economic prosperity and quality of life, while prioritizing clean air, public health, water quality and conservation, good jobs, transportation choices, clean and secure energy, and emergency preparedness for businesses and residents.
The ethical framework grounding the Climate Action and Adaptation Strategy is a focus on Climate Equity. It acknowledges that San Antonio’s history has produced social inequities that, if unaddressed, will worsen with climate change. Read it and discover how you can help support climate mitigation for our city and business community.
Why We Should Care
Did you know?
- We are projected to have an additional one million residents living in our community by 2040
- The City’s plan for mitigating climate change would make us carbon neutral by 2050
- 44% of the city’s carbon emissions are from energy usage in buildings
- 40% of the city’s carbon emissions are caused by transportation
- In 2019, San Antonio emitted enough carbon dioxide to fill the Alamodome 32,000 times
- Since 1980, the number of annual major weather disasters in Texas has risen from 3 to 10
- Twenty-seven of the world’s largest cities have been successfully reducing their emissions at a rate of 2% per year, while their populations have grown by 1.4% per year and their economies have grown by 3% per year.
Climate Change is a National Risk!
A 2019 survey of 247 insurance actuaries identified climate change as the top emerging risk. Climate change was ranked higher than cyber damages, financial instability, and terrorism.
Why We Should Care
Simple Ways to Get Started
- Get informed by accessing the City of San Antonio's Climate Training modules.
- Check into rebates for energy and water savings
- Explore different ways to get around with Alamo Commutes
- Contact your Council Member or County Commissioner
- Participate in community gardening and shop at farmers' markets
- Visit a local park
- Calculate your carbon footprint and see where you can make some changes
Why We Should Care
Explore the SA Climate Ready Dashboard
Get up to speed on what's currently happening and what's planned for the future.
Learn more about:
- Solutions to prepare our city for climate change
- How transportation and building energy are the biggest contributors to carbon emissions
- Making Climate Equity a reality in San Antonio
- Protecting our parks and outdoor livability
- Sustainable building practices
- How we've become a leader in renewable energy
- Getting your kids involved