Intro background


Vision: San Antonio leads the nation in the generation and delivery of clean, reliable, affordable energy.

Renewable Energy

Wind, Solar, and Gas

San Antonio is looking to lead the nation in the generation and delivery of clean, reliable, affordable energy. CPS Energy, our energy provider, is the nation’s largest municipally owned energy utility and is committed to growing its supply of emission-free electricity from wind, solar, and landfill gas.

We track renewable energy by measuring the porportion of electricity generation we as a community use that is supplied from renewable energy resources.% REPercent of Renewable Energy
We track renewable energy by measuring the porportion of electricity generation we as a community use that is supplied from renewable energy resources.% REPercent of Renewable Energy
wind turbines







2040 - Goal


CPS Energy has a goal to have 40% of its electrical generation capacity to come from renewable energy in 2040. They are on their way to meeting this goal.

In 2017, San Antonio had 19% of its generation capacity come from renewable energy resources.That's nearly half way to meeting our 2040 goal!

Solar PV
Landfill gas

Renewable Energy

CPS Energy's Renewable Energy Mix

CPS Energy gets 63 percent of its renewable energy from wind, 36% from solar and 1% from landfill gas. San Antonio currently has the most solar generation capacity in Texas and ranks 6th in the US! 

Explore this donut graph by clicking on the colors!

Renewable Energy

San Antonio Solar PV Systems

San Antonio has 609 MW of solar panels installed across our City which can provide enough energy to power over 120,000 homes. The majority of this energy is "utility scale" (meaning the energy goes directly onto our electricity grid and does not first supply energy to a building). The rest of our solar energy comes from smaller systems found on homes and buildings. 

Utility Scale
rooftop solar

Did you know?

The City of San Antonio participates in CPS Energy’s SolarHostSA Program, which installs, operates, and maintains solar installations on City facilities. Currently, we have solar panels on five facilities and look to double that number within the year!

Rethinking Our Energy Use

Energy Consumption

San Antonio is changing how we look at our energy needs. We treat our energy use with thought, purpose, and respect. Reducing the amount of energy we use each day will save us money, protect our air, and water and conserve our fuel supplies so they can last longer. Reducing our energy use is an important step in leading healthy lives.

Energy from different sources is measured in different ways – electricity is measured in kWh, natural gas in therms, oil in gallons. We can convert these different measures into a common measure- million British Thermal Units (MMBTU) -to better understand and compare total energy use.MMBTUMillion British Thermal Units
Energy from different sources is measured in different ways – electricity is measured in kWh, natural gas in therms, oil in gallons. We can convert these different measures into a common measure- million British Thermal Units (MMBTU) -to better understand and compare total energy use.MMBTUMillion British Thermal Units


building at night
logo for CPS energy

Did you know?

CPS Energy created their Save for Tomorrow Energy Plan (STEP) to reduce the growth in our community’s demand for electricity by 771 MW by 2020. That’s the output of a large power plant! Check out the great work this program has already done!

Energy Consumption

Be Part of the Solution!

All San Antonians have a role to play to reduce the amount of energy they consume each day. Also, we have choices on where we get that energy from. Learn about how the City makes it easier to use less energy and switch to renewables!

Find out if solar energy is right for you!
Get your home weatherized for free!
solar workers on roof